Vision Quest

Ricerca della Visione. ©imarkez

What is the Vision Quest?

In the Mission of the Fuoco Sacro Association, aligned with Sumak Kawsay, we can delve into the meaning of living a “good life” or “living in wellness,” rediscovering the importance of taking time to clarify our purpose through relationship with the community and the natural world.

Being in harmony in all relationships is what leads to wellness and the rich sense of fulfillment that is often deferred or sought after in our modern times. Our ancestors understood the necessity of having a relationship with observation, direct listening, and the ability to be guided by a sincere and clear purpose.

Purpose is what fuels our desire to engage our lives and the communities in which we live with renewed vitality and reverence. Modernity can be described as the incessant “busyness” that clouds our eyes, making it difficult for us to lead ourselves and others with a clear vision or sense of direction:

What makes you feel alive as an individual? What potentialities do you feel deeply called to? What is the authentic vision I want to lead both for myself and for others?

The ancestors and elders who guide our tradition taught us that we can find the answers to these and other questions we hold in our hearts by building together with our community and association members the time to immerse deeply in nature. The Vision Quest is thus a shared creation of a special time, where we return to living a common purpose, “the” purpose of health.

Native American elders discovered the transformative value in making time to fast from food, water, and socialization, and in doing so, enter into Solitude.

The Vision Quest deeply connects us to Nature, amplifying our senses so that, like a radio tower, our minds can tune into purpose and instructions for our lives that are constantly disrupted or interrupted by the noise of the modern world.

By reconnecting, we also rediscover the innate resilience of the human being. We remember that the long line of ancestors, whose lives we have inherited, was able to withstand cold, heat, rain, and silence.

We discover that we too can do it, and this expands our ability to access the courage needed to face life’s challenges, pursue our purpose, and, above all, be more fully ourselves.

The way we lead our lives becomes a form of prayer. Taking the time to reconnect with ourselves and doing so in a deeper relationship with community and nature, our Presence becomes a voice to be at peace with ourselves. A gift we can bring into our community, our work, and a human world thirsty for greater awareness.

Ricerca della Visione. ©imarkez